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Welcome to the:
Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors Association
of Northern Virginia
home page!
This site is not PHCC NATIONAL To go to a.k.a NAPHCC new name PHCCNA click here
For the Virginia State PHCC web site click here
attn: William J. Baumbach II
9975 Pennsylvania Ave
Manassas, Va. 20110
Phone: 1-800-280-2820
Fax: 1-703-691-0946
New Address
PHCC of Northern Virginia
P.O. Box 307
Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039-0307
Is the new Post Office Box address.
We will no longer be using the P.O. BOX in Falls Church.
Founded in New York in 1883 as the National Association of Master Plumbing, and since 1963, Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling, PHCC is the oldest construction trade association in the country.
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If you are a PHCC member you can list your company information here so web surfers can find you!
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Northern Virginia Challenges all PHCC Affiliates
The PHCC Gazette Monthly Newsletter of the Northern Virginia
Laurie Creigler First Woman To Be A President Of A State Association, includes a picture
Lillian Ann Baumbach First Woman Master Plumber, News Articles, Picture's and other stuff
Download PHCC files Screen Savers, Membership Application
Picture of our Executive Director David Bailey as "Mark Twain"
Here is a very large web page full of Apprenticeship Information it will take a while for it to load. Email= Joe Teets with Fairfax County Adult Education or call him at 703-227-2300 or 703-227-2235 if you would like to talk to someone.
PHCC members that would like free email,
Ie, can now get it through most any Internet service provider/software. Call me and I will tell you how to set it up. William 703-367-7900 has been updated.
PHCC members can get their own web page for as little as $10.00 per month & onetime $25.00 setup fee.
If you know how to use FrontPage 97/98 you can setup & create your own web page. See for more information.
Your web page can include a service request form (customers can place a service call 24 hours a day over the Internet from their computer to you,) and the information can be faxed, e-mailed and/or sent to your alphanumeric pager. This is a big plus for those of you that do not have Internet access yet.
Join the PHCC today, out this Online Application for membership!
News Groups on the Internet
PDL unmoderated open "Plumbers Discussion List" for all plumbers and plumbing contractors (trade only ,please). This page will have instruction on how to join.
Please visit Ask the Master Plumber today!
Meeting Information For Northern Virginia PHCC
News from PHCCNA Membership Pak
Did you know?
Industry Members of the PHCC of Virginia
Members of the PHCC of Northern Virginia
PlumbNet Interactive
PlumbNet IndustryResources
Life Water International
General Information About PHCC-NA
Founded in New York in 1883 as the National Association of Master Plumbing, and since 1963, Plumbing, Heating, & Cooling, PHCCNA is the oldest construction trade association in the country.
The association's original credo is still appropriate:
" . . . to advance the science and art of our trade by encouraging inventions, making known discoveries and improvements in appliances, fostering an interchange of thought, and eliciting and communicating the result and experience of all. "
Today, PHCCNA is made up of over 5,000 members representing all segments of the plumbing-heating-cooling industry, including residential, commercial, industrial and institutional. Whether serving as prime contractors or sub-contractor, PHCCNA members do work in the following fields:
Serving & Repair
Air conditioning
Heating (warm air, hot water, steam, heat pumps)
Process piping
Fire sprinkler
Sheet metal
Over 285 local chapters offer members a variety of services including:
membership meetings and networking
liaison with local government
seminars and workshops
local public relations efforts
group insurance plans
labor negotiations
special programs of local interest
PHCCNA-affiliated state associations can be found in nearly every state across the country. They are the bridge between PHCCNA and the local groups, and they typically provide:
a monthly magazine or newsletter
work on the adoption of uniform state-wide codes and contractor licensing
business-management and technical workshop
group advertising and public relation
an annual convention and trade show
resolution of local concerns for presentation at the National Convention
The National Association is a clearinghouse of information, also a powerful voice for all its members. Though the National headquarters, just outside Washington, D.C., the PHCCNA provides its members with:
Connection - a twice monthly newsletter
Execugram - a monthly publication for staff and volunteer
leaders of state and local chapters
legislative and regulatory lobbying on Capitol Hill
technical publications and updates on important issues
Business management publications, videos and seminars
apprenticeship training programs
annual convention and trade show
leadership conference
legislative conference
marketing tools
insurance programs
industry representation
During the Convention and trade show, contractors, manufacturer distributors, architects and engineers from all over the country come together to discuss the state of the industry, its problems and its progress. The PHCCNA convention is the place you can find:
the largest PHC industry trade show in the country, where
manufactures display the newest products and equipment
outstanding speakers
seminars and workshops to help members increase profits and productivity
an opportunity to meet with other PHC contractors
What is the PHCCNA mission?
The PHCCNA is an association of plumbing, heating and cooling contractors dedicated to the promotion, advancement, education and training of the industry for the protection of the health, safety, and comfort of society and the environment.
What are some of PHCCNA's objectives?
Business Management - providing quality educational programs the professional PHC contractor.
Government Relations - anticipating and influencing public to ensure a favorable economic and political environment for the PHC industry.
Industry Communications - communicating effectively on issues affecting the PHC industry.
Industry Relations - cooperating with other organization in pursuit of common goals for the PHC and construction industries.
Training & Education - maintaining technical training exercise.
Member Relations - providing programs that address member needs.
What are the advantages of having a national association?
The national association develops a wide range of publications educational, programs, apprenticeship training programs and other services that would be impossible for individual contractors, state associations or local groups to accomplish. The National Association is the combined voice in Congress of thousands of contractors.
What are the advantages of having state & local associations?
State and local chapters provide service and benefits concerning issues of special interest in that state or locality.
How are my dues used?
Dues income represents only about 30% of the PHCCNA budget; the remainder comes from the sale of publications, the convention/trade show and other services. State and local dues vary, depending on bylaws and structure.
Who do I call if I have a question or need more information?
PHCC-NA's toll-free number is 1-800-533-7694.
P.O. Box 6808
180 S. Washington Street
Falls Church, VA 22040
1-800-533-7694 or 703-237-8100
Fax 703-237-7442
Information on this site is provided by William J. Baumbach II.
PHCC-NA does not necessarily promote or accept responsible for it's content.
Use of the PHCC logo does not constitute endorsement.
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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to
Copyright � 1994-1998 William J. Baumbach II All rights reserved.
Last modified Wednesday, June 17, 2015
since November 15, 1997